#35 How to…Pet a Cat

Or how your cat wants to be pet.

WARNING: Do not attempt when your cat is eat, sleeping and/or is busy with something or someone else.

Cautiously approach you cat. Make sure to make no sudden movements, and no loud noises. It may help to say the pets name numerous times. Petting these animals takes extreme skill.

Bring some treats along with you, to create a strong bond with the cat. Stretch out your arm, staying as far away as possible, and slowly put it down on the cat’s head.  Scratch the chin of your pet with your finger tips. That low rumbling sound is not your stomach, and its most likely not your cat purring(unless you’ve really ticked it off) its your cat purring.

If his\her eyes begin to dart or it begins to squirm, let it run away and try again later.

Repeat this proses and wait till it calms down.







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